Table of Contents
Sections and Articles on This Website
Fun reading with a powerful message… The Epistemology of a Flea
Frances Collins Heinous Fallacies about Unborn Babies
“The Great Debate” – Classical Apologetics Refuted by Presuppositionalism
Hilton’s Treatises: Wise Counsel to the Evangelical, Reformed Church
A Beginning Look at Classical Apologetics … a work in progress.
Featured articles and papers with philosophical categories that follow below
New! Michael Polanyi – Part III: Away from Objectivity and Towards Personal, Biblical Truth
The Apologetic for Biblical Theism as the Best Foundation for Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge
Observations and Conclusions from a Dilletante Philosopher New
Michael Polanyi: Unintentional Christian Apologist and Theologian – Part I
Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know about Doubt
Quo Vadis Christian Philosopher? Some Concerns and Directions among the Successes – II
The Principia and Revelation: A Reflection of Revelation as External and Internal
What Methodological Supernaturalism Might Look Like
Scripture as the Epistemological Source for Science
***New for high school and college students of all ages… refute your professors with irrefutable arguments! Here.
New Article: The Bible Destroys the Strongholds of Epistemological Speculation
New Article: See Science and Technology Below
Augustine and Polanyi: Towards an Understanding of Conversion and Conviviality with Application to Modern Diversity and Peaceful Co-existence (paper presented at The Polanyi Society Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 9, 2012)
Towards a More Complete Understanding of Biblical Faith and Its Powerful Impact on a Theory of Epistemology with Implications for the Evangelical Philosophical Society (Paper presented at the 2012 Meeting of the Southeastern Region of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, March 26, 2012)
New article: The Powerful Coherence of the Scriptures for Theology, Philosophy, Psychology, and Medicine November 2011
Faith vs. Faith – Fighting on Level Ground Possibly the most important article for the survival of modern civilization!
Challenge to all Christian philosophers: Are your terms and your methods acceptable to God and Scripture? Quo Vadis Christian Philosopher? Some Concerns among the Successes Paper presented at the Southeast Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, March 2011
New section: Science Is As Faith-based As Any Religion!
Also, see Religion in Environmentalism in the same file
Miscellaneous Subjects of Interest
A Protestant (Philosophical) Worldview
Bias of Philosophers Against Religion and Revelation (Off site – Why the Old Testament is avoided by philosophers and other scholars)
Young Atheists Value Those Who Believe the Bible (Off site – Atlantic Monthly)
How to Discern the Errors of Christians Who Are Philosophers
The Facts on Facts: Complexity Masquerading as Simplicity
Synonyms Within Philosophy: Decreasing the Complexity of Terms (ongoing)
The Centrality of Regeneration, Faith, and Sanctification in a Biblical Epistemology (scholarly philosophical paper)
Good Reasons to Study Philosophy
Brain Teasers and Brief Bytes Concerning “Philosophy”
Faith and Reason: There Is No Conflict! Reason and Rationalism Fully Defined
Starting Points for Beginning a Serious Pursuit of Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy for Christians New to the Subject
Basic Principles upon Which this Biblical Philosophy Website Is Based
The Unity of Biblical Theology and Biblical Philosophy: A Grand Demonstration
Outline and Brief Description of a Book on Biblical Philosophy
Hurting? Need Help? Philosophy Made Simple
Philosophy and None of Its Branches Have Any Answers
A Comparison and Contrast of Pascal and Descartes (off site)
Reviews and Critiques of Reformed Epistemology
Alvin Plantinga: “Other Truths”
As Religious and Philosophical Imperialism
The New Reformed Epistemology: A Critique by John Frame
Is Reformed Epistemology Reformed? Some Notes
Warranted Christian Belief: A Review of the Preface
Alvin Plantinga: Brief Note On His Use of the Generic “She”
Towards a Truly Reformed Philosophy… ongoing construction (Started December 2009)
God, Theism, Classical Theism, Other “Gods,” and Onto-Theology
Classical and Christian Theism: Valid or Invalid Terms?
Classical Theism Refuted in Favor of Biblical Theism
Gods of the Philosophers and Theologians (ongoing)
Onto-Theology: Gods of the Philosophers
Hegel’s Philosophy and Orthodox Christianity
Two Religions: The Works-Salvation Delusion (off site)
Faith and Reason
Michael Polanyi – Part III: Away from Objectivity and Towards Personal, Biblical Truth – New!
Faith and Reason: There Is No Conflict! Reason and Rationalism Fully Defined
Science Is as Faith-Based as Any Religion!
The Powerful Influence of Francis Bacon and Thomas Reid on American Christianity
Beckwith, Rome, Regeneration, and Philosophy
Finally, All Americans Belong to Faith Groups
Faith as the Ultimate Cosmological Argument for Everyone
What Is Faith? The Testimony of Theologians and Philosophers
Faith and Reason: An Interdependency
Rationality and Scripture: John Frame (off site)
Philosophy: Reflections
The Unity of Biblical Theology and Biblical Philosophy: A Grand Demonstration
Philosophy Is a Quest for the Truth That Leads to Christ and Christianity
All Philosophy Is Religion in Disguise
Survey of Philosophy over Three Millennia
Good Reasons to Study Philosophy
Christian and Biblical Reflection on the Great Philosophers of History
Logic, Language and Definition
What About “Mere Human Logic?”
Jesus Christ as the Logos, Logic, and Word
Comments on the Concept of Language
A Study of Language Is A Study of Philosophy!
Language Is More Than Adequate and Translatable! Paul Helm (off site)
An Intensive and Extensive Look at Various Logics – Greg Bahnsen Begin at “Logic: A Last Ditch Stand?”
Modern Language Studies, Presuppositions, and The Bible Martin G. Selbrede
Logic and the Westminster Confession of Faith by Gary Crampton (off site)
Language: Its Function in Encyclopedia by Abraham Kuyper
God and Biblical Language: Transcendence and Immanence John Frame (off site)
Logic in the East and the West: Does It Differ?
Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Absolutes
The Centrality of Regeneration, Faith, and Sanctification in a Biblical Epistemology
The Powerful Epistemology of a Flea
Epistemology: A New Look at an Old Subject
A Major Refutation of Empiricism and Its Danger for a Biblical Worldview
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Rationality, and Philosophy Entirely Refuted
Yes, Virginia, Absolutes Do Exist!
Other Voices Speaking on Absolutes
Notes on Epistemology and Metaphysics
Not By Epistemic Works, Lest Any Should Boast Doug Wilson
Science and Technology
Creation Issues for Evangelicals and Mistakes That They Make New, new, new!! (July 2013)
The Sokal Affair (off site) Extreme bias manipulated by nonsensical nuclear science
Science Is As Faith-based As Any Religion!
The Biblical View of Science (off site)
Genesis, Science, and Six-Day Creation: Framing the Debate
Christianity and the Rise of Modern Science
Consciousness: Its Study Is Philosophically and Empirically Flawed
Richard Dawkins’ incoherency exposed in the Cambridge Journal Think here. (off site)
Book review: Christianity and the Nature of Science by J. P. Moreland
The Impasse of Modern Physics, Simply Explained (secular, offsite)
Refutation of Methodological Naturalism Alvin Plantinga – (off site)*
What Methodological Supernaturalism Might Look Like
Monkeys and Typewriters (off site)
A Brief Introducton to Michael Polanyi
Michael Polanyi Glossary and Dictionary
History of Philosophy and the 21st Century
The Demise of Human Understanding: Modern Philosophy and Its Contribution to Current Human Degradation
Reflections from Plato’s Cave: Musings on the History of Philosophy A poetic and all too serious history of philosophy
A Brief History of Theology and Evangelical Scholarship in the 20th Century (off site)
Martin Luther on Aristotle in the Church and Other Things
Brief Notes on the Orthodoxy of Soren Kierkegaard
An Evangelical Critique of Postmodernism (off site)
Theodicy: The “Problem” of Evil and a Good God
Evil Defined and References for Theodicy
Nature Discloses God’s Good in National Magazine
More on Apparent Evil Having Inherent Good
Logic–the Syllogism and the Problem of Evil A lesson in logic and definitions… God’s omnipotence is always good!
A Biblical Theodicy (off site)
Reformed Critics of Karl Barth
The Old Testament as Philosophy
Evaluations and Critiques of Christian Philosophers
Quo Vadis Christian Philosopher? Some Concerns among the Successes
On Christians Using Natural Theology – Colin Brown
An Ongoing Critique of Christian Philosophers
How to Discern the Errors of Christians Who Are Philosophers
The Resurrection of Thomism R. C. Sproul, William Lane Craig, Norman Geisler, J. P. Moreland, Stuart C. Hackett
J. P. Moreland’s Article on Over-Commitment to the Bible
Francis Beckwith: Rome, Regeneration, and Philosophy
Herman Dooyeweerd and the Institute for Christian Studies
Empiricism, Norman Geisler, and Alister McGrath
Beware of Philosophy and Theology: A Warning to (Young) Biblical Scholars
Book Review: Classical Apologetics by R. C. Sproul, John Gerstner, and Arthur Lindsley
Book review: Paradox in Christian Theology by James Anderson
… James Anderson’s Response to Gary Crampton
Truth: Comprehensive Biblical and Philosophical Review
Ethics and Worldview
Various Approaches to Ethics Refuted
An Encyclopedia of Medical Ethics – Companion website
Summary Principles of Biblical Ethics – Companion website
Encyclopedia of Biblical Ethics and Worldview – Companion website
Aesthetics and Art
The Necessity of Transcendence (God) in Aesthetics and Art – Review of George Steiner’s Real Presences by James Jordan (off site)
Clark-Van Til Controversy and Other Related Issues
An Introduction to the Clark-Van Til Controversy
Carl F. H. Henry: A Biblical Scholar Misunderstood and Wrongly Critiqued
Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended by Greg Bahnsen (based upon Van Til)—a book review by W. Gary Crampton Discussion of many of the Clark-Van Til issues.
“Van Til: A Reassessment” – John Frame… not all comments are favorable to Van Til
Van Til’s Apologetic: Readings and Analysis by Greg Bahnsen A book review by W. Gary Crampton
Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought A book review by W. Gary Crampton
Christian Smith: The Bible Made Impossible A book review by Kevin DeYoung
College term papers by the Author – here
Book Reviews – Miscellaneous
What Would Jesus Deconstruct? by John Caputo (off site)
Resources Cited on This Website (very incomplete)